
Extract phone numbers, emails and socials from Google Maps

Data & email enrichment
Google Maps

Chain Phantoms together

Individual Phantoms bring value when used separately, but chained together: the sky is the limit. When you chain Phantoms, you use the results of one Phantom as the input for another Phantom to create an automation sequence.

Use built-in workflows

We've started to build Flows that will automatically chain Phantoms to create ready-to-use sequences of automated actions. Individual Phantoms bring value when used separately, but chained together: the sky is the limit.

Use built-in workflows

We've started to build Flows that will automatically chain Phantoms to create ready-to-use sequences of automated actions. Individual Phantoms bring value when used separately, but chained together: the sky is the limit.

Set up this workflow with a spreadsheet template

Spreadsheet templates will allow you to chain Phantoms together, visualize your workflow progress and find all your data in one place.
Make sure to read the instructions before starting to use your first template, and do not edit any of the formulae yourself!

Please note: These templates are being phased out. Any issues will not be supported by our technical support team.

1/ Extract key data from a Google Maps search and browse the websites found for emails, phone numbers and social media contacts.

Google Maps Search to Contact Data

Extract emails, phone numbers, and social media info from Google Maps search results

Result: A fully automated lead generation workflow!